December 31, 2020 was the deadline to enroll in health and dental insurance coverage beginning January 1, 2021, through GetCoveredNJ. However, GetCoveredNJ is committed to serving all New Jersey individual and family consumers and Small Employer Health Groups seeking health and dental coverage, so they have extended the January 1, 2020 enrollment effective date deadline to January 6, 2021. If you are an individual, family consumers or a Small Employer Health Groups still seeking to enroll in health and dental insurance coverage beginning January 1, 2021, please contact us directly.
Karing Is Mutual, LLC can be reached by visiting our website at KARINGISMUTUALLLC.COM and clicking on the Request For A Quote button, speaking with us live at 908.468.7522 or email us at GIBSONC1215@GMAIL.COM for assistance with your valuable insurance needs.